In good condition, a Hallmarked Silver & Bone Maduran Keris / Kris Iras

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The sheath with 800 (80% silver) hallmark, the hilt cup with white semi-precious stones or diamonds, the finely carved bone hilt, the blade (likely earlier) with a superb pamor mlumah; this is one very fine keris iras from the Indonesian region / island of Madura.

The 12 1/2 inch blade is in good condition but has age roughness towards the point; firm in the hilt. The hilt with a jewelled possibly diamonds, cup. The bone (possibly ivory) hilt is supremely well carved; some age cracks. The hallmarked (8oo) silver sheath is well decorated (punched decoration). The keris draws, sheathes and fits the sheath well.
Gorgeous! Quality! Bargain! £400. Please quote item reference ZX48. Further / full sized images available upon request. Box 2031 51 x 20 x 17 (0.97).