Legal warning, do not ignore:
You may have come to this page as a result of clicking an image on another website; we do not allow other web sites to link to our images directly. If this happened to you, if you clicked an image somewhere else and ended up on this page, please let us know which web site is doing this and where on their site the offending image links are.
Copyright ©
ALL of the images and text on this site are Copyright If you wish to use any photo or text, you must contact us first for permission.
If we do not give you permission and you use our photos / images and / or text, we will charge you £100 per day per image / section of text.
Pinterest Users
Despite multiple warnings from us to cease and desist, continue to unlawfully host our Copyrighted images and text which they / their users have copied without our permission. We are taking legal action against If you use any of our images or text which are on pinterest, you are breaking the law. If we catch you using any of our images off the pinterest site, we will file a criminal complaint against you plus seek damages of £1,000,000 per such image / text.
We recommend you do not use pinterest to avoid any risk of prosecution not only by us, but potentially by other Copyright owners whose rights may have been violated by pinterest.