In good to very good condition, a Superior Gendaito Wakizashi signed Izumi no Kami Kanesada

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11th Generation Izumi Kanesada making Superior Gendaito (see Page 62 of Modern Japanese Swordsmiths by John Scott Slough). See an unpapered tanto signed the same sold here for 700000JPY (was £? (too late, now sold) / $5200USD / $7500AUD / â¬5000EUR). The signed iron tsuba on what we are offering is probably worth £200+ on its own.

The 21 3/4 inch nagasa (cutting edge section) blade is in original polish, a small fleck (ware), otherwise seemingly flawless. Furniture appears original as only one mekugi-ana peg hole, in overall good but aged / worn condition, the saya possibly a replacement is missing the throat piece. Signed iron tsuba with age in good condition. The sword sheathes and draws well.
Look around, these sell for many times more on specialist nihonto sites. Our price? was £? (too late, now sold). Get it polished and papered and treble your investment. Please quote item reference Y92. Further / full sized images upon request. Tube 1502-97×15 (2.224).