In good condition, a Waterloo Dutch m1813 nr 1 / British 1796P Cavalry Trooper’s Sword by Gill

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Gill is reckoned to have been the best quality maker of this iconic Napoleonic Wars British light cavalry sabre, feared by the French as it sliced them like ham off the bone. This one has been period sharpened and bears a minor nick to the cutting edge.
Period marked “A 7” to the langet (A troop, weapon 7), there is nothing to say which regiment this sword was issued to / used by; it was rare for regiments to put regimental designations at the time of the Battle of Waterloo, so who knows…. apparently Martijn from Holland does;
“this is a dutch saber model 1813 nr 1. (Because of similar markings I found on internet) The dutch Army bought englisch pattern 1796 sabers in 1813 (all made in Birmingham, so indeed also from Gill) and they did not buy any of this sabertype from Engeland after 1814, therefore this saber most likely took part in battle of Quatre bras and Waterloo.”
Thank you Martijn
Apart from the blade condition indicating use, one of the langets is missing (a sure sign of arduous use).

The 32 3/4 is in good condition (patches of patina throughout) and firm in the hilt. The hilt / guard has been zealously cleaned and is good. The leather covered grip is in good condition. The heavy steel scabbard is aged and worn but very good for age. The sabre sheathes and draws cleanly but loosely, so the one time internal wooden slats are gone (very common).
Great example. Truly great price. £1200. Please quote item reference ZZ44. Further / full sized images available upon request. Box 1707-103x15x14 (2.513)