In good condition, Engineer Rear Admiral Edwin Williamson’s RN Officer’s Sword

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Note: there are patches of loss to the grip; best shown in extra photos.
This is not an admiral’s / flag officer’s sword per say as the scabbard does not have oak leaves to the fittings. But the included photos of him as a Commander, Captain and Commodore show him with this sword, and it is believed he wore it once promoted to (Engineer) Rear Admiral. Perhaps he was never a flag officer entitled to having the oak leaves, even though he became ADC to King George VI.
Sword etched at the forte / ricasso to Gieve, Matthews & Seagrove Ltd London and Portsmouth.
The photos and ephemera are included; the framed photo of him is silver plated.

The 31 1/4 inch blade has some patina and even pitting patches but not too many and is generally in good condition and firm in the hilt. The hilt / guard is in good condition with much gilt remaining; the folding guard section bearing his name works well and locates on the scabbard’s securing pin. The white fishskin grip has small patches of loss to the center; the twisted grip wire bindings are good. Sword knot is good if a little frayed in places. The scabbard is in good condition but has a slight kink towards the chape. The sword sheathes and draws well.
Great sword, obviously, with plenty of research potential. Worth every peny of £750. Please quote item reference ZY65. Further / full sized photos available upon request. Box 1912 100 X 23 X 21 (2.987)