In aged good condition, a mid 1770’s British Mounted Infantry Officer’s Sword

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An American Revolutionary War (US War of Independence) era British mounted infantry officer’s sword. The hilt / guard is normally for a light cavalry officer but the blade’s length and sword’s scabbard show this to be an infantry officer’s sword, almost certainly a mounted officer. Bear in mind, regulated patterns / models date after this sword was made, so officers had flexibility in what they privately purchased. Circa 1775.

The 30 3/4 inch blade has some deep pitting or possible musket shot damage, plus some period / old slight nicks / roughness to the cutting edge indicative of use, is well worn and patinated but firm in the hilt. The light dragoons style steel guard / hilt has age (patina) and possibly fall related slight pommel misalignment, but is fairly good overall. The ribbed leather grip has age, wear and patchy loss, but is sound, and some of the twisted grip wire binding turns are still present. The leather with steel drag / chape is well aged / worn and with losses / the stitching coming apart. The sword sheathes and draws badly due to the scabbard’s leather dry shrinking.
Great to get such a rare sword and with some of the scabbard remaining a big bonus. Bargain; £850. Please quote item reference ZX42. Further / full sized images available upon requuest. Box 2018 107 x 16 x 15 (1.533).