In aged, used and somewhat battle weary condition, a scarce (to say the least) French An XIII to 1854 Heavy Cavalry Trooper’s Sword; perhaps the longest service sword ever, over 40 years of conflict to its credit!

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This was originally a Napoleonic Cuirassier / Heavy Cavalry sword that has had such a long service life; it was finally converted to an 1854M Carabineer / Dragoon trooper’s sword long after its blade saw service for Napoleon. What is more, the 1854M hilt has seen significant action as the crossed out rack number means the hilt’s original blade was damaged and replaced with this already battle weary but still serviceable Napoleonic blade. The French were involved in many conflicts in the early to mid 19C yet lacked the resources to always have the very latest equipment / spares. Just look at the blade, dated late 1813 with correct poinçons of Krantz, Bick and Lobstein to confirm this. And the early 19C heavy scabbard, also with a different rack number which indicates a fallen sword married to an available scabbard. The worn grip also speaks of a long harsh service life even past 1854! This sword, or the sum of its parts thereof has quite literally been through the wars many times.

The 37 inch spear pointed blade, despite its age and service life, remains in good condition and is firm in the hilt. The hilt with age and some scrapes is generally good to very good. The original leather grip has a lot of wear and age and some small patches of loss. The twisted grip wire bindings amazingly are still there is a little loose (being brass, they more easily expand). The really heavy iron scabbard is well and truly aged. The sword sheathes and draws quite well, but because the stop washer is missing from the blade, it can get quite stuck if you full sheath it.
If you are looking for very good condition, look elsewhere. If you are looking for a sword with a long and no doubt brutal history, then this one is 100% for you. A real slice of history for just was £? (too late, now sold). Please quote item reference number U39. Further / full sized pictures available upon request. Box 0854-1.2 (3.309).
NB: The hilt is of the same style as the 1822M cavalry of the line sword but is not; the union point / hole for the blade is very slightly different. This sword has an 1854 dragoon / carabineer heavy cavalry hilt.