In good condition, a 1715/1786M Waterloo Prussian Fusilier’s Sword.

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Engraved “1. L. F. 10. 330” to the knucklebow. Napoleonic Prussian markings did not follow a specific system, and this one has proven very hard to decipher. The “F” can only be for fusilier and “330” for weapon number, but these are not in the normal positions. Our best fit studying the various Prussian regiments of the time is “1st Liebe Fusilier Regiment, 10th company, weapon 330”. Almost certainly at Waterloo as swords were in short supply just before (the Prussians bought many cavalry swords from the British), so unlikely to have been issued to a non-frontline regiment. Plus this sword model was replaced in 1816, so the Prussians did not need to make any more after the allied victory in 1815. The blade is etched with the royal cypher of Frederick William III (ruled 1797 to 1840). The guard markings “1 (reversed) Y. 1.6” are the order number. There is no visible maker’s mark as these would be on the tang, not the blade

The 25 inch blade is in good condition save for the fact it has been dropped on its point at some stage (very tiny end of tip bent). Blade firm in the hilt. The half grooved, half smooth brass hilt (denoting 1786 model) is in good shape. The scabbard is aged with some splitting and scuffs, but sound. The sword sheathes and draws well.
Nice example with research (of the hilt markings) potential. A snip at was £? (too late, now sold). Please quote item reference AD60. Further / full sized images available upon request. Box 0563-1m (1.888).